Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
After a hiatus from Not Me! Mondays! due to baby Stellan's illness Mckmama is back to doing her Not Me! Monday posts, so I thought I'd join in.
Okay, so this week I totally have not been trying out lots of new healthy yummy recipes. I most certainly am not very unfamiliar with vegetables of the unfrozen variety. I definitely know what a courgette is, and don't need to ask if the skin needs to stay on or be cut off. Of course I knew how long they needed to be cooked, and had no need to ask AN when she was here yesterday for dinner.
This morning my little Baby A did not bring me the box containing my Pilates DVD's and ask me what they were. He then did not mistake what I had said and think it was a box full of my farties. He was not completely disgusted. But say that had happened, Baby B would definitely not have found it absolutely hilarious.
I have not left poop on the floor downstairs in favour of quickly checking my emails. Of course my boys are three and a half now and would never poop on the floor. If they did of course I would clean it up promptly before hopping on the computer.
I have not started watching episodes of Desperate Housewives online in an effort to get to bed earlier on a Monday evening. Most certainly I have not been totally negating the early Monday nights by staying up until 10.30 every other night to watch another Desperate Housewives episode. That would be silly.
And finally, my house is not in need of a good vacuum, dust, polish, tidy and general overhaul. It is spotless and sparkling and could be used as a showhome.
That's it from me! Happy Not me! Monday!
Enjoyed your Not Me Monday. Ah, sounds so familiar.