Well today was the first day back at kindy after the Autumn break. The boys were pretty tired, it was pouring down with rain and it didn't seem all that appealing to go out anywhere. Then the arguing over toys began, and all of a sudden I found an amazing well of energy. I got both the boys in their coats and to kindy in record time (Well, actually I was late but only by a few minutes).
Luckily for me(but not so much for her) one of my younger sisters, whom from now on i shall refer to as lil' one was on Parent help. The boys couldn't wait for me to leave so they could begin playing with Aunty lil' one and their cousin and friends. It was still raining though, and since I don't particularly want to ruin this event monitor by getting it soaking wet, I decided to venture back to kindy rather early so I could get a park close by.
So after participating in tidy-up time I sat down to watch the kids enjoy mat time. It's my favourite part of kindy, getting to watch all the kids dancing, singing and listening quietly to stories. So cute. Today however, mat time was a little early so at the end of the story the teachers began asking questions related to the story that had been read (Ants stealing sugar, eating way too much of it).
"We don't eat sugar every day do we?" The teacher said. Most of the kids said No. Baby B however, piped up "I do!". Oh no, now all the parents will find out my habit of bribing the boys with sweets when they aren't behaving. Luckily for me, a number of other children chimed in insisting they too ate lots of sugar. Good, I could smile and laugh like it wasn't true. I hadn't been found out.
"What sorts of things do we eat for dinner?" Oh no. Put your hand down Baby A. No one can know that this weekend while Mummy was sick we had not very nutritional meals. Not when other children were talking about vegetables and meat and rice.
Ahhh thank goodness. So many children wanted to talk that the teacher didn't get to either baby A or B. A lucky escape.
Once we got out of the rain and into the car, I noticed Baby A looked a little sad. I enquired as to what was wrong.
"I just wanted to tell *Teachers name* that I have donut and chips for dinner. Or Nutrigrain." He said sadly. Thank goodness.
"That's okay Baby A, next time." I promised, while hoping that if there were a next time it was after one of my 'well' weekends.
So for now my secret is still safe.
Except now it's on my blog
Ahhhh frick.....
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