OK, for those of you whom watched South Park, you know who Mr. Hanky is. For those whom didn't, you may not understand and may stop reading if you wish as this will make very little sense to you.
So Baby B has been doing very well with his toilet trainedness. Except for pooping. He likes to just go wherever he is, or if I'm really lucky go in his pants, and then hide it somewhere for me to find. Well, today he finally went on the potty. Yay!! The days of finding poop in unexpected places may be coming to the end.
So while this may be true, I must mention this morning I needed to clean up a little pile of poop in baby B's room. Well, it seems I missed some. Tonight when putting the twins to bed, we walked into baby B's room and who was staring at us from over by the train set but Mr. Hanky himself.
"Where did that poop come from?" lovely husband asked, clearly disgusted and horrified.
"That'd be Mr. Hanky. I figure he's dropping off the boys easter eggs early."

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