Yesterday was such a warm, sunshiney day. Very atypical for mid Autumn, but very much appreciated! We all managed to get out and about and meet up with my parents, one of my sisters and my brother-in-law and their two gorgeous kiddies at the park. The kids had a ball running around and playing with my brother-in-law. I got lots of cutie pics and we all had a great time.
Then today I had some quiet time to myself when I wasn't feeling terrible and the boys were busy playing and I thought about how lucky my little family is. We have family whom love us and are amazingly supportive. I have great friends whom never fail to lift me up when I feel sick, or sad, or sad about being sick. Lucky. Blessed.
And I do think Easter is a great time to count some blessings. For I have so very much to be thankful for, and while I do tend to remember this on a daily basis it's nice to have a little time to really think about it.
So thank you, my friends, my family. For all the times you have helped us out, made me smile, played with our children (especially the running around kind of games I struggle with!), made us meals, tidied our house, dropped in just to say hi, remembered to ask Craig how he is, understood when I've had to cancel coming to something, for emailing me even when I haven't managed to reply to your last email yet.
And thank you for not giving up on me. It's not easy maintaining a friendship with a person whom has a chronic illness. It must at times feel very onesided. It means a lot to me that you are still with me.
And for the record, I'm not the only one in this family whom at times is completely overcome with fatigue. I've got proof!!
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