Bucket List;
I find this question a little hard. Basically I have to answer "What things have you always wanted to do in life?". I'm finding it hard because the things I have really wanted I have done. I hadn't really thought of any new long-term things so I guess I need to now!
1.I would love to travel to Egypt, Parts of Europe, and all around the United States.
2.I would love to experience owning a dog. A really small one. Or maybe even just babysitting one.
3. What do you call a marathon you walk in, not a running one? I want to complete a walking marathon.
4. I want to walk some of the beautiful trails in the South Island. I want to do one with my Dad.
5. I would like to complete a novel, whether anyone reads it or not.
I'll stick with five. It's been fun to ponder this :)
3. - a walkathon, I'm sure there are such things out there. I'll join you when I'm back in NZ :)